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Honor Band 6 - Details Before Launch

The Honor band 6 was launched in november 2020, but only in china. The smart band will be soon in the global market. In this post we will be seeing about this awesome fitness tracker.


1.It has a larger display than Honor Band 5. It has a 1.47 inch AMOLED display with  a screen resolution of 194 x 368 pixels.
The display also has a 2.5D curved glass.

2. It has 10 Different Sports mode and also supports heart rate & SpO2 monitoring. It also has Huawei Trusleep SleepTracker & Calorie Counter.

3. It has NEW Feature which is called Women's Health Management which tracks the menstrual cycle.

4. The Band is compatible with both IOS and Android. In connectivity the device supports Bluetooth 5.0

5. It has 180 mAh battery which can last upto 14 days in a single charge. The device will be full charged approximately in 65 minutes.

6. The device also has an accelerometer and a gyroscope sensor.

7. It comes in three colors - Meteor Black, Seagull Gray and Coral Powder.

8. The price of the band in INR might be 2,799.


Display - 10/10 � EXCELLENT

Features - 9/10 � VERY GOOD

Battery - 9/10 � VERY GOOD

Extra Features - 10/10 � EXCELLENT

Colors - 10/10 � EXCELLENT

Price - 10/10 � EXCELLENT

     Blog Creator : P.Pranaav, 11 years old

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